your vision

Enjoy the journey. Love the result.

Can we bring our plans? Yes. Geelong custom builders will assist in getting your existing plans brought to life. We will sit with one of our draftsmen and review the plans, then meet with you to discuss the design and any concerns we may have. From here we will discuss anticipated budgets, timelines and specific items that you would like included in the build project.

When we look at the plans provided, we like to separate the “needs,” “wants,” “dreams,” and “don’t wants.” From here we can start to peace together what your project will look like and work together to bring it to a reality and within an agreed budget.

Questions we like to ask when provided plans:

  • How flexible are you in adjustments to the plans?
  • Do you have a block of land to build on?
  • Have any property services been conducted? Contour survey, soil test engineering etc?
  • Special features and non-negotiables?
  • Images and pictures of specific looks or items that you like?
want more

Speak to us today

We help home owners and investors achieve their goals. Together, we make your dreams comes true.